*Please note: Grades 3 thru 6 Children can attend either our day or evening session but we have limited space in our day classes so students are assigned on a first come-first serve basis. Please be sure to indicate day or evening session for grades 3-6 on the registration form.
For students entering 1st grade and transfer students, please provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate if not baptized at St. Rose, Emmaus/Sacred Heart (Mt Ephraim), or St. Gregory in Magnolia.
IMPORTANT SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION INFO: Reception of First Holy Communion and Confirmation requires 2 years of sacramental preparation.
First Holy Communion: Children normally prepare for this Sacrament during their 1st and 2nd Grade years of faith formation., and are expecgted to continue their faith formation during grades 3-8. Any child missing primary grade school years of formation 1-8 will need to make up for miseed faith formation time.
Confrmation: Children normally prepare for this Sacrament during their 7th and 8th grade years of faith formation and are confirmed by the Bishop in the Fall of their 9th Grade year.
There is an online form and a paper form available for your convenience. Only one type of form needs to be completed. Paper forms can be dropped off at the rectory during normal rectory business hours.
One Child - $150 Two Children - $250 Three or More Children - $350 Additional Sacramental Fees: Grade 2 add Sacramental Prep fee of $20 Grade 8 add Sacramental Prep fee of $15
Pay by Cash or Check: If you would like to pay your tuition by cash or check, please bring it to the St. Rose of Lima Rectory in an envelope that is marked with Rel Ed 2024-2025 Payment, and your children's name(s).