Altar Servers: The Altar Server Program at our parish is open to all young people from fourth to twelfth grade. Those who are called to serve in this ministry accept responsibility to assist at Mass and be part of Eucharistic celebrations, both big and small. Our training program consists of six one hour sessions and a year-long apprenticeship with an experienced acolyte. Contact: Kate Manning at [email protected]
Choir- Adults: The St. Rose of Lima Adult Choir sings every Sunday September—June for the 11:00 am Mass. The choir also performs a Christmas Concert annually and provides the music for Midnight Mass at Christmas, Holy Week Services, Easter, and Confirmation. Singers of all abilities are welcome! The choir meets every Thursday evening for rehearsal from 7:30 to 9:00 in the church sacristy. Contact: Suzanne Zerone via the rectory at (856) 547-0564 or email: [email protected]
Choir—Teens: The Teen Choir sings on the second Sunday of each month at the 9:30 am Mass. This choir is open to young adults in our parish in grades six through twelve. Contact: Suzanne Zerone via the rectory at (856) 547-0564 or email: [email protected]
Choir – Children's Ministry Through Music: The Children's Choir sings the fourth Sunday of each month at the 9:30 am Mass . The Children's Choir is open to all children of our parish in grades one through five.
Extraordinary Ministers of The Eucharist: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, and deliver Communion to the sick and home-bound. This ministry is open to any Catholic 18 years of age or older. Serving as an Extraordinary Minister requires an interview with the Pastor, followed by a diocesan training program. Serving your Catholic brothers and sisters in this way is a wonderful opportunity to feel closer to Christ. We are always in need of more Extraordinary Ministers! Contact: Pat Innocenzo at (856) 906-8310.
Greeters: Greeters are ministers of hospitality who provide a warm welcome for each person as they enter the church. This ministry is ideal for those who wish to serve in some way but only have a limited amount of time. Greeting only requires that you arrive 20 minutes before Mass and stay until you hear the entrance song. Greeters are typically assigned to one Mass each month. Contact: Bob Keefe at (856) 547-8895 or email: [email protected]
Lectors: The lector is the person at Mass who proclaims the Word of God by reading the first and second readings of the Mass. This ministry is ideal for someone who has a love of scripture and a talent for public speaking. To become a lector at St. Rose, a person applies to the program, is approved by the pastor and completes a five-week course for lectors. Lectors are assigned on a flexible and rotating basis to read at Mass. Contact: Mike Herubin at [email protected] or (856) 631-7850
Sacristans: A Sacristan is a person in charge of the Sacristy – the room in the church where the sacred vessels and vestments are kept and where the Clergy vest for Mass and other Liturgies. Sacristans share tasks such as laundering the linens, washing the bowls and cruets used for Mass, changing the linens used on the altar, polishing the Communion patens and preparing the altar. Contact: Ceil Payne at (856) 547-6170 or (609) 206-7286
Ushers: As ministers of hospitality at Mass, ushers help people find a seat, collect the monetary gifts and bring these to the altar at the Presentation of the Gifts, guide the Communion procession and distribute the parish bulletins at the doors of the church at the end of Mass. Contact: Tom Francesconi at (609) 519 0921 or email: [email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration: St. Rose has a beautiful Chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for Eucharistic Adoration. Everyone is encouraged to come to the chapel and spend time in silent prayer, meditation, or spiritual reading. Because it is required for there to be at least one Adorer present at all times for Exposition to take place, regular adorers are scheduled for each of the hours of Adoration, and a sign in book is provided. New scheduled adorers are continually needed as people's situations change. Please consider signing up. Even if you cannot commit to a scheduled time, please feel free to come anytime! Contact: Lisa Falchetta at 856-261-7683.