Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): RCIA is a faith formation process that leads to becoming full, participating members of the Catholic Church. Students learn and experience the essential elements of Catholicism, Scripture and Faith. This program is designed for adults who have not been baptized in any faith, or who have been baptized in another faith, adult Catholics who have not completed their sacraments of Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, Non-Catholic spouses who are interested in learning more about the beliefs of their Catholic spouses, and adult Catholics who have completed their Sacraments and who are interested in learning more about their Faith and/or would be interested in becoming a sponsor or mentor to adults who have not received Sacraments. Classes run fall to spring. Contact: Deacon Bill Slaven at (856) 547-0564 or email: [email protected]
Youth Ministry: The Youth Ministry at St. Rose concentrates on educating its members about their religion while promoting the importance of faith by helping the youth to look for God in their daily lives and nurture a relationship with Him. There is also a strong focus on community service, fellowship, and putting faith into action. Contact: (856) 547-0564