Adult Co-ed Softball:
For those interested in recreation, St Rose plays in the Camden Diocese Co-ed Softball League. It's an adult co-ed league which consists of 6 parishes that play in the spring to mid summer. It's casual but with just enough competition to make it a lot of fun for most levels of player. Each game begins and ends with a prayer, of course. Most games are played on weeknights starting at 6:15 pm and each season ends with a playoff and championship game. We at St Rose are proud to say that the St. Rose Thorns are the reigning Champions of the Camden Diocese Co-ed Softball League! Contact : Steve Weiss at
(856) 547-7015 or email: [email protected]
Charismatic Prayer Meetings:
The Charismatic Prayer Group is a community of believers seeking spiritual growth who are open to experiencing Jesus in a new way through the working of his Holy Spirit. This group meets every Sunday evening from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm in the meeting room behind the chapel. During meetings, members of this group sing praises to our Lord, read sacred scripture, seek a message from Him, lift up their petitions, and pray for healing. You are warmly invited and encouraged to come and check out this movement led by the Holy Spirit. Contact: Sue Wheeler at (856) 745-1550 or email: [email protected]
Bazaar Committee:
The Christmas Craft Bazaar began in 1921 and is a major fundraiser for our church and school. The annual event takes place in early November and features a car raffle, Tombola gift basket raffle, handmade crafts and jewelry, “Granny's Attic” (an indoor yard sale) and delicious homemade foods. There are also special activities just for kids. The bazaar committee is comprised completely of volunteers from our parish and school communities who offer their time and talent to put this extraordinary event together.
South Jersey Catholic Ministry Appeal:
The SJCMA, (formerly known as the House of Charity-Bishop’s Annual Appeal), is the key source of funding for programs of outreach and services relied on by the most vulnerable men, women and children in South Jersey. The funds collected help to meet the health, social and welfare needs of the poor and vulnerable in southern New Jersey regardless of race, creed or origin. Contact:
Bob Keefe at (856) 547-8895 or email: [email protected]
Soup n’ Stations:
Fridays in Lent we have the tradition of Walking with Jesus on the way to Calvary through the Stations of the Cross. In addition, on the 2nd through 5th Fridays, we host a Soup Supper before stations begin. Volunteers make delicious soups and serve fellow parishioners in our cafeteria. It’s a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fellowship and grow closer to our Lord.
Contact: Kathy Miller at the Rectory
(856) 547-0564 or email: [email protected]
Martha's Helpers:
This is a ministry of hospitality which directly assists the Pastor by planning receptions as needed. (Typically about four per year.) Members of this ministry provide the food and beverages, decorate the reception space, and clean up after the reception. Contact: Kathy at Rectory (856) 547-0564 or email: [email protected]
Prayer Shawl:
This ministry combines a love of knitting and crocheting with compassion and prayer. Members of this ministry create prayer shawls to reach out to those in need of comfort and solace. A priest's final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent to the recipient, with the hope that the receiver with feel the unconditional embrace of a sheltering, loving God. Contact: Connie Buttil at (856) 547-7096 or email [email protected]
Lay Dominicans:
The laity of St. Dominic are those faithful who, baptized in the Catholic Church or received into her, confirmed and in full communion of faith, sacraments and ecclesiastical governance, are called by a special vocation to progress in the Christian way of life and to animate temporal things through the charism of St. Dominic. For more information contact Virginia Wacker [email protected] or 856-873-1373.